Saturday 21 September 2013

Challenge #235 Halloween With A Black Cat

Good morning, this is Kim stepping in for Shell as she has been really poorly this week with a kidney infection and therefore we are all sending her get well wishes and great big hugs.

 Its time for the start of a new challenge here at My Time To Craft! But before I get to this weeks theme I need to announce last weeks Top 3 for our 'Autumnal Colours' in no particular order....
Our 'Autumnal Colours' Top 3 are.....

# 28 Soma

# 61 Beccy

Huge congratulations to our chosen few, please snag your Top 3 badge from the side bar & pop it on your blog! 

Right this week our theme is


so we want to see your witches, ghosts etc but it MUST HAVE A BLACK CAT

The MTTC DT have made some awesome creations this week!


Poorly this week

I'm still not able to craft at the moment

Is also poorly this week

Taking some time off.

As you can see we are a little short dt on inspiration from the dt this week. Sending everyone great big hugs and get well wishes 

You have until Friday 27th September at 6pm UK time to get your entries in!

Have fun Kim & the My Time To Craft DT xxx


Sylvia Anderson said...

Lovely creations by the DT.
Get well wishes to Shell, Kim & Purple Crazy xxx

LeslieT said...

OMG! Thank you so much for choosing my card as one of your Top 3! I'm quite honored!
Big hugs,