Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Challenge 46 - A Little Bit of Sunshine!

Thanks to all who joined in last week - some lovely work from you all! This week's challenge is called 'A Little Bit Of Sunshine'! Goodness knows we could all do with some at the moment. I have been proper poorly for the last week and I know a lot of other people have been suffering too. So a challenge with some nice bright cheerful colours is just what the Doctor ordered!

Here are the examples from the Design Team this week:-






Don't forget to check out the DT blogs for any card details! Have Fun!


Wendy - Anntaurus said...

Loved this one - bright colours always cheer me up!


DMG said...

Here's my Hymn to Morning

crafty creations said...

Hi all - beautiful cards from the DT

You can see mine here

thanks for looking

For the life of me said...

lovely theme

heres mine

crafty amy said...

Love the DT cards!

Here is my card

Amy xx

Anonymous said...

Her's my atc.

Caro said...

Lovely challenge and great DT cards. Here is my take on the challenge http://carocrafts.blogspot.com/2009/01/mid-week-chaos.html

jeany said...

Great challenge....
Fantastic cards from the DT!!!!
mine is here


Anonymous said...

Good Challenge, love the DT's designs on this...
Mine is ready...

Hugs Angel

Jac’s Playground said...

Great challenge gave me a good excuse to use my new stamps! like I needed one!lol. Great DT work. Mine is here TFL

Joey said...

Hi everyone, lovely dt cards and gorgeous bright colours, mine is here:- my card thanks for looking.x

Unknown said...

for my bit of sun click here

flatis stempelwelt said...

Beautiful cards from the DT
Here you can find
my card
Thanks for looking
Hugs, Sonja xx

coldwaters2 said...

Hi love the DT cards my entry is on my blog here thanks for looking

Lorraine x

Denise said...

What a great challenge yet again:-
Here is the link to my card:-

Wendy said...

Enjoyed doing this one

Here is my entry.

Annie said...

oooooooooops I read the title - made a note of the theme and didn't use sunshine colours but the more the meaning of them.
My daughters are 'my rays of sunshine' and I made this card for my youngest.
Ann xxx

Sue said...

A lovely challenge, just what we needed.
Mine is here

shaz earl said...

Great challenge and love all the DT work i have joined in with you this week xx

Heres My Card

pinky said...

Lovely idea for a challenge. Here's here

The Crafty Den said...

Hi girls, hope my card is bright are cheery enough for you. Here is mine Hugs, Denise x

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Great DT samples. Here is my Sunshine. :)
x Natasha x

Beryl K said...

Great Samples and I know mine isn't really sunny, but the colours are so I hope you will accept it. You can find it Here
Beryl x

Liz McGuire, said...

Here is my card for this weeks great challenge. Looking forward to summer now!
Thanks for looking. X

Anonymous said...

My entries for this week

Anonymous said...

I hope my card qualifies for the little bit of sunshine criteria.
You can see my card

Juliet said...

I really enjoyed using bright sunshiney colours for this.
Here is my card.
Juliet xx

Els G. said...

Great challenge! Lovely DT cards.
You can find my card here. TFL

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