Good morning from a cloudy Stoke in the UK brrrr the temperature has dropped again....hurry up summer!!!
Anyhoos time to announce last weeks Top 3
It was Mags turn to choose her 3 favourites from our 'zoo animals'
challenge, so in no particular order......
Gorgeous creations, congrats on your Top 3. Don't forget to snag your blog badge xx
Now for this weeks challenge, I thought we would go to the other end of the animal world!
cats, dogs, fish, rabbits etc
Today is a sad day at MTTC as we say goodbye to our fabulous guest designer Sue...gonna miss your creations hunnie xx
But it is also a happy day, as we welcome Annie to our team as guest designer

Lets see what domestic animals to DT ladies have used

Awesome furry creations ladies thank you xx
You have until Friday 5th June at 6pm UK time to get your entries in using the linky tool
Hugs Shell & the MTTC DT xx