Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Challenge #184 'Fantasy'

 First I want to let you know we are looking for a few GDT to join us on a monthly basis, so if your interested please put GDT after your name when you enter!

Its time for another challenge here at My Time To Craft & thankfully the last week the weather here in the UK has been so much better! Hot isn't the word really its been roasting lol!!

Anyhoos, this fortnights challenge is


dragons, fairies, monsters anything fantasy!

Our GDT Hazel, thank you so much for joining us this last month your creations are great xx

Now for the DT's fab creations!




Fantastic cards again ladies thank you x

We hope you will join in with our challenge this fortnight
Hugs Shell & the MTTC DT!
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Monday, 30 July 2012

Challenge #183 Top 3!

We had some amazing 'Make it Wet' creations for our last challenge, thank you all for entering!
Well its Vanessa's turn to choose her Top 3, so here we go!

#10 Jasmine

#52 Ann Marie

congratulations ladies, please snag your Top 3 badge from the side bar & wear it with pride!

don't forget to pop back in the morning for the start of a brand new challenge!

Hugs Shell & the MTTC DT!

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Challenge #183 'Make It Wet!'

I am sorry to say that Rachel has decided for personal reasons to step down from the DT! Her fab creations will be missed, good luck for the future hun from us all xxx

Where did those two weeks go to? Time is really flying by, but the weather oh its pants here in the UK. I have never known it to rain so much, I think we all need some sunshine!
Anyhoos, please check the post below to see who my eldest daughter Danni picked in her Top 3 for the 'Cat & Dog' challenge!

Our new challenge is


so water, snow, paddling pools, seaside, boats, mermaids anything related to water really lol!

I also want to welcome our three new DT ladies

please pop over & say hi 

We have decided to have a GDT, who will join us for a month. 
If you would like to be considered as a GDT just add GDT after you name when you enter our challenge!

This month I asked Hazel (Didos) to join us, please pop over & say Hi!..... here's her gorgeous creation! 

Here's the fantastic DT creations!

Thanks girls they are all fantastic, as always!

Just add your 'Make It Wet' entry to the blue froggy below before 1800 (BST) 30th July

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Monday, 16 July 2012

Challenge #182 Top 3!

This week I have asked my eldest daughter Danni to pick our Top 3 & boy I'm glad it wasn't me!
I loved seeing all your 'cat & dog' creations so sweet! 

Anyhoos on with Danni's choices!

#1 Viv

#3 Anja

congratulations ladies, please snag the Top 3 badge from the side bar 

Hugs Shell & the MTTC DT!

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Challenge #183 'Its Raining Cats & Dogs'

Sad news Nancie has decided to step down from the DT, so I just wanted to say you will be missed hun & all the best for the future from all of us at MTTC!

Its time for a new Challenge, but first make sure you scroll down to check if you made it into 
our 'Weddings' Top 3! Also in the post below I have announced our 3 new DT members, so why not pop over & say hi to them!

Our new challenge is


so get out those poor neglected cats & dogs & join in the fun!

Here are the DT girls creations to inspire you! If you would like to see in more detail how they made their cards, just click on the link to their blogs!

Helen one of our new DT (super quick work) x

Sheila one of our new DT ( wow you girls are quick!)

Fantastic creations again ladies thank you x

So now its over to you! You have until 6pm BST  16th July to get your entries in!

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Monday, 2 July 2012

TOP 3 & Our New DT Girls!

WOW! your 'Wedding' creations were just awesome, thank you so much for entering! 
 For this challenge the lovely Vanessa picked her favourites for our Top 3, which are in no particular order...

#52 Kathrin

#42 Lea L 

# 48 Mary C

Congratulation ladies from all of the MTTC DT! 
Don't forget to snag your Top 3 badge from the side bar!

I just want to say thank you so much to all of you that entered our DT call, I have been overwhelmed with emails this last 4 days....I really wish there was room for you all, but what I will say is if you didn't get on to our DT this time,  I will keep your emails & if any spaces come up in the future I will be emailing you!!!

Right now on to announcing our 3 new DT members!!!

Welcome to the team ladies, you should have already received an email inviting you to our private blog, if not email me & I will do it again! 

Please pop back tomorrow for the start of our new challenge!

Hugs Shell & the MTTC DT